Every month we give out a huge hug of gratitude and a spotlight out to those who sponsor A Design Story. In addition the monthly shout out, they receive side bar exposure, social media mentions & plugs every once in awhile on normal posts too!
A Few Fun Finds & a Sewing Project
Last week, we took you window shoppingat HomeGoods, Target & TJ Maxx. In the midst of showing you all of the great things we spotted, we actually made a few purchases too! I thought I might show you a few of my fun finds…
Sunday Blog Party: 5
Hi… We are back with another Sunday Blog Parade. We hope you had a fantastic weekend!
Window Shopping: Home Goods, TJ Maxx & Target
Who doesn’t love a good shopping day? Yesterday, after the blog posted, I took a much needed ‘personal day’. My mom and I headed out to breakfast & a day of shopping… it was a blast.
The Design Jumped off the Page
If you follow me on twitter, Tuesday night I mentioned that I started a new book that evening and I couldn’t put it down {which happens to be what occurs anytime I pick up a book}.
Readers Tell All: Your Style Secrets
We have had tons of inquiries over the last year about style and how to determine the right style for the right person. Defining your style and nailing it down can be quite the challenge.
TV Dresser Dilemma
Last Friday, I wrote about my obsession with colorfully painted interior doors… what I didn’t mention was that I am also really into painted dressers too!
Design Crush: Painted Interior Doors
As an interior designer, I can accomplish {and have} a broad range of design styles, even if they aren’t ‘my taste’. Designing for a client allows me to work out my talent & passion while giving me the ability to “play” with styles other than my ‘own’. I gather inspiration all the time & keep cut outs, files […]
Sometimes it’s the Smallest Things
I get excited over the “smallest things”. Seriously, it’s true, I do.
12 Amazing Uses for Lemons
Kevin is a huge lemon fan; I am a lime fan {especially in spring & summer}. On any given week, no matter what, our fruit bowl will always have some lemon in it.