Happy Monday! I feel excited for the week… I have many posts that will be coming up on the blog! As for today, we are talking about stylish bookends.
Just a quick weekend rounds update, we didn’t do so bad on our list this weekend. We managed to get Kevin a new car (yay), run a bunch of different errands, go to church and get some stuff done around the house. We put off the garage organizing day until this week or weekend… we had a bunch of errands that took its place. It has to get done asap though!! How about you guys?
In case I never told you, I love, love, love to read. I probably get it from my grandmother who has read thousands and thousands of books in her lifetime. I am a somewhat fast reader… I can sit down on a Sunday after church and start reading a book and if it super good, I will finish it by bedtime. My mom and dad gave me the newest Nicholas Sparks book, The Longest Ride, as one of my Christmas gifts. I didn’t have a ton of time to sit and read it all at once… plus I was trying to savor it because I could tell within a few pages that it was going to be a doozy. I did finish it in less than a week and I highly, highly, highly recommend it. It was right up there with the Notebook for me!! After I read it, I was actually sad it was over. I immediately drove over to my mom’s so she could start it! It got me thinking about the New Year and a few of the books I want to read. Instead of keeping them on the bookshelf in the office closet, I thought it might be fun to bring out a few of the one’s on my soon-to-be reading list and pop them between one of our bookends on my desk.
After I did it I realized I needed some additional bookends for the living room to organize our latest magazines. I went on a hunt and thought I would share a bunch of the one’s that I liked along the way!
Breakdown: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8
We actually have #3… it was a gift to my hubby (he went to the University of Florida so he speaks all things Gator). What kind of bookends do you have? Do any of these suit your fancy? What books are you reading? Please let me know if there are any books I should add to my list!
I love the birdcage set! Your blog is lovely. #SITSBlogging Visiting from http://www.welcometograndcentral.com