Happy Monday! I am in full force website re-design overhaul mode these days. It’s a big undertaking and I have worked really hard alongside my website designer to make sure the new upcoming design is a creation that is both functional & user-friendly and also chic and more “my style”! I am really, really, really excited about the new upcoming changes! With the new design, I am going to launch new blog post ideas and release a new approach to creative blogging. We are hoping the new design will launch in about 3 weeks… so in the meantime, I will be doing some behind the scenes work on the blog and publishing some really neat posts too!
I used to be super organized and prepared in advance for each blog post. It’s why I had a true blog plan and schedule. In an effort to become more organized and inspired, I went searching for ideas on Pinterest. I came across this really neat photo of an idea journal from the Creative Place blog…
I was instantly inspired to create a version that would work for me. My hubby and I ran out on Sunday afternoon after church to run a few quick errands. The first stop was Michael’s craft store for a new journal. I purchased a canvas journal, some really neat burlap stickers, some new washi tape (they were on sale—I couldn’t resist) and a set of quote stickers.
I wanted the cover to be natural and classic looking… here’s what I came up with…
So the concept behind my idea book is quite simple. Every month I will create two new pages and fill them full (hopefully)! It’s a place to keep inspiring words, magazine clippings & sketches. It’s also a place where I can scribble down my blog ideas, scheduled blog posts, website changes and project to-do’s down.
As soon as I got home I broke out the ruler, the rest of my washi tape, the colored pencils and pens and I sat on the sofa and began working on July. I love it already. I kept it by my side all night and jotted ideas down… it was so much fun. Check it out so far…
I really feel like this idea journal is going to help me re-energize the blog and create a more inspiring place for all my readers to come! What do you think!?!
What about you guys… do you have a journal or an idea book to keep all of your house project lists, to do’s or even goals in. What avenue works best for you?
I love the ideas of planning and collecting interesting things in a book; like a journal, or a mood board. But the procrastinator me keeps me distracted so the project is always delayed. Now that you mention it, I feel like I want to bring this up again. 🙂