This week’s Gracious Giveaway is going to “cover it”! This is the perfect prize for anyone & everyone!
Fresh Picks: October 2010
It’s October already! Leaves are crunching below my your feet and geese are flying overhead. It’s time to gather in the pumpkins and munch on crisp ripe apples. {Wishful Thinking} Right?
Gracious Giveaway Winner: Ask & It Shall Be Given
Announcing the winner of this week’s Gracious Giveaway… a beautiful custom bracelet by Arise and Shine Designs!
Singing Our Sponsors’ Praises
It’s time once again for our monthly public showing of appreciation to our magnificent sponsors!
The Nate Berkus Show
As most of you know, back on this day, tons of bloggers joined in what we were proudly calling “Nate Day”.
Me & The Rue Magazine Party
Have you all heard of the new online publication called Rue Magazine? Well, let me get you introduced!
Lunch with HGTV
I am back from a weeklong trip to NYC! Remember last week when I mentioned I had been invited to the Nate Berkus show? Well, I was also invited to HGTV for lunch and the Rue Magazine launch party at the New York Design Center.
Nate & New York
Nate Berkus Day has finally arrived…
Gracious Giveaway: Ask & It Shall be Given Unto You
This week’s Gracious Giveaway is going to put a little bling, bling on your wrist! I am blessed and elated to host a giveaway for Rebecca at Arise and Shine Designs this week.
1st Annual Fall Wreath Party
So, fall is in the air. OK. Not true here in Florida, but I guess it is a little wishful thinking. We are a week away from it truly being autumn (from the calendar standpoint), so I think we are close enough to say the season is among us (if not in the air, at […]