Today, I had a big post scheduled… one that talks about Christmas and the joys of a tree!
However, today, nothing in the world matters more to me than this lady.
Today, there is a Princess amoung us and her name is Sara. See, her name is quite fitting because it actually means “A Princess”, which is exactly what she is.
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles.” Isaiah 40:31
This is Sara, my sweet grandmother, the woman I was named after and the woman I strive to become some day.Kevin and I are off to Richmond tomorrow to be with my family. See, my grandmother has been a true fighter… she has fought cancer numerous times… and yet it comes back to try and steal her away from us. Today, she still believes in her miracle, still fighting and I plan to go and fight with her and for her.
There is no one in the entire world like her. She is selfless in every since of the word, giving, loving, an encourager and a fan of every single member of our family. In times when I thought my world was coming to an end or I was sick, she was there, pushing me forward and believing in healing for me. In fact, many of you don’t even know I have been struggling with Gluten issues and digestive issues for a year now… and would you know while she has been fighting in her hospital bed this week, she is still asking how I am doing and believing God is going to pull me out of this and quickly. That’s the kind of Memaw she is. She is the best. I don’t have a single childhood memory that doesn’t involve her and her goodness to everyone she meets. She is an absolute woman of God, the kind of woman many should strive to be. She truly believes with every part of her being that God is going to deliver her. Regardless of what my mind is thinking, my heart still believes. God will honor her faith. When there is nothing left to stand on, we have God and He is enough.
We are choosing life because that’s what my Memaw wants. She taught me to fight with everything you have, to believe, to have faith, to trust in God. She has created quite the legacy for herself. EVERY SINGLE child, grandchild and great-grandchild are all serving the Lord. That says a lot. She has been married for 52 years. She has taught me by her life how to be a better wife and better person. I can go on and on and tell you why my grandma is the best, much like some of you can, but she is the most special and sweet hearted person you could know.
So, tonight as we pack and prepare ourselves for the journey, please pray for my Memaw., for strength, perseverance, fight and peace. At the end of the day Jesus brings life and death… it is all in His hands. But what we don’t see is how He is holding His sweet “Princess Sara” in the palm of his hand.
Today , this is what is going through my mind… Sometimes the journey gets long, and life’s problems burden me down…. That’s when He overshadows me with comfort from above to supply my need and speak peace to me with His tender voice of love. Rest assure troubled and weary child, rest assure there is strength to every long mile. Walk through the open door, kneel down at the feet of Love and don’t worry anymore, trust Him and rest assure.
Thank you to all my readers…. Bare with us… more interior design giveaways, DIY Reveals and more are on the way.
Today, family is everything.
My husband, sister and I made it just in time to see my Memaw and join the rest of my family by her bedside {at around 10:30 am}. I spent her last few hours feeling the presence of God the strongest I had ever felt and feeling almost more love than my heart could handle. I watched each family member, including myself, rub her feet, kiss her forehead and tell her what she meant to us. I held her warm, soft hand and kept kissing it and praying that God would pull us through. I watched her sons {my dad and uncle} and my grandpa tell her their last goodbyes and I love you’s. The “I Love You Baby” felt like a hundred red roses to my heart as my grandfather spoke that so sweetly to the love of his life. Then it came, the time for the nurse to announce it was time to pull her breathing tube out and for us to decide if we could handle watching it. Most of the men left and then I watched as others fled too. It truly was one of those things that either way, it was hard and it was a choice you had to make that was only right for you to decide. I stayed, sweaty palms and noodle-y legs and all. I expected them to pull the tube out and for her to breathe her last breath and that would be it. NOPE. NOT AT ALL. As soon as they pulled it out, she moved quite a bit and with her sweet voice she said Help, Help me. A few other fled out and then it was just two of my Aunts, my Mom, my Sister-in-law, my Cousin, my Uncle, my old Pastor left and me left. The nurse said it could be awhile based on her breathing on her own a little bit. No lie, I actually thought for a brief moment that she was going to get up and go to lunch with us. We sang to her… hymns, beautiful hymns. I thought I was going to have to leave when she said help me, but then Jesus came over me and his spirit reminded me that she is my Memaw, my Princess and everything I want to become. He showed me that if I stayed he was going to make his presence known. I stayed. I held it together and I was by her side. Then, the MIRACULOUS HAPPENED. A MIRACLE, A REAL MIRACLE. She began to open her eyes and talk to us. She lifted her head and began to praise and worship the King of Kings. She said “Praise Jesus, Praise Jesus”. Then she asked to be propped up… we ran and got her boys {my grandpa and my uncle and dad}… she opened her eyes and at that moment I saw the love story of the century. A love story that the Notebook, Dear John or Pride and Prejudice could ever touch. She open those beautiful eyes and said she loved my grandpa… something she needed to say and he needed to hear. He told her that he loved her and then she looked around the full room, all of us, every child, ever grand- child and friends and began to praise the King again. The room dissipated again and it was just the few of us in there again. I had never ever felt the presence of Jesus so strong in all of my life. I felt his love, his grace, his jealousy for us and his comfort and peace. It was beautiful. After quite some time, we began to sing again to her and my aunt {Bonnie} ushered her into heaven. I am so thankful for what Bonnie did because it truly meant the world to all of us. She told my Memaw that she did a wonderful job as a mom and grandmother and wife. That we all love Jesus because of her faith, that she did and walked with Jesus that way a true Christian Women should. She told her that we would take care of Grandaddy and Penny {her dog that she loved with all of her heart}. She held on and fought for awhile, the nurse was even shocked. Every Time we sang and spoke to her, her heart rate went up and she would breathe a bit on her own. Finally at 12:49 p.m. it was done. The King came and got his Princess. Literally. The King Jesus actually came into her hospital room and got her. It was beautiful. It was enchanting. Most of all it changed my life. Forever.
My family asked that I write her obituary, I did. It was the hardest thing I have ever written in all of my life. I also had taken one of the last photos of her… which we were able to use for her bulletin, etc. Then, I asked my Grandaddy permission to speak at the funeral. I had to, I felt the Holy Spirit prompted my to say a few words about her, our relationship and the road to healing.
I don’t usually talk about religion, but this is a time I have to. It is a relationship friends. I urge you to find Jesus and get to know him. I don’t want to miss heaven for anything. I hope if you don’t know Jesus, you will take this opportunity to ask him into your heart. It is life changing and incredibly important. You can email me @ if you have any questions!
Praying for you, Memaw, and family today. Praying for the peace that passes all understanding and believing in faith with you that God is our Healer.
Sara sounds like an amazing woman. I’ll be thinking of her and your family.
Just to say I am thinking of you, Lindsay. Keep strong.
Praying for you and your family! Safe travels.
Thinking about and praying for you and your family. Have a safe trip.
I have never been so Proud of you as I am today!!! Sara “Memaw” there are not enough words …God has it All in control and none of this has taken Him by surprise, I hope that my girls, grand daughters and myself could be half of the praying loving women she has been!!!
Well done. Your Memaw would be proud.
Lindsay, I’m so sorry your Memaw is sick. I’ll be praying with you that God heals her. He is our comfort in times of trouble and our refuge from the storms. Take heart in that. He has seen me through so many dark times in my life & I couldn’t make it without Him!
Hey Lindsey…my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your MeMaw sounds like an amazing woman. What a blessing. Hang in there and may you always feel God’s comfort and strength.
I’ll have to admit this post made me cry a little bit.
I’m so sorry for your lost. She sounded like an amazing women and that her spirit and love lives on through you and your family. My prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you for such sweet words… It truly meant a lot!
Beautiful story, beautifully written. I am sorry you had to say goodbye to your Memaw for now, but so glad she is with her/our King! Just found your blog this evening. I’m enjoying it!