Monday, February 6th, I turned 28! I had a fabulous birthday surrounded by family who love me…. it was pure bliss. Even though New Year’s is generally perceived as the ‘beginning of the year’, my birthday always feels like the beginning of mine. I am a big “birthday girl”. I love birthdays. In fact, I have a “birthday week” I love it so much!
In honor of turning 28, I came up with a list of 28 things. 28 things I want to change, want to do more of or want to remind myself. These are in no specific order… I just jotted down ideas as they came to me! So, I guess this is a getting to know more about me type of post! I hope you will take the time to comment below and share what kind of things you are wanting to change, do or remind yourself this year!
1. Be More Intentional… I want to be More Intentional with Everything I do.
I want to be more intentional with projects around my house. I want to diy & create things I need or want. Gone are the days (even though they were VERY few) of creating things just for diy purposes. I don’t have room for “stuff”… I want to be completely intentional in the way our home is styled and decorated!
I also want to be more intentional with how I blog. I want to foster an environment where readers learn about design, style & decor. I also want to create a place that’s a bouncing board for ideas & inspiration. Kinda like a lot of give and a lot of take. So… be prepared for changes in the blog (which I will be announcing this week)!
2. Enjoy the Ride.
I am a dreamer. When I was little I dreamed of getting married and having babies. I am married to the best guy in the world. I have an amazing life. He believes in my dreams and backs me up in everything I do. Sometimes I get so excited about the ‘next thing’ I want to check off my to-do list or the next step in life that I forget to enjoy the ride there. It’s silly. There’s a time for everything and my steps are ordered by the ONE who made me… things will happen at the right time!
3. Stress & Worry About Nothing.
Over the last 2 years, I have spent a great deal of time “worrying” about the dumbest things. I am sure everyone is guilty of this at one time or another. If I believe that God is who He said He is, than what’s there really to worry about?
I have been through many health issues over the last two years that have kind of tested my faith a bit. Let’s just say worrying became a hobby. NO MORE. I have figured out my allergy to gluten and am building up my immune system everyday!
As far as stress goes, I plan on letting go & letting God work. My blog was started to be an outlet for me to offer up inspiration, design ideas & creative projects to my readers, there’s nothing to stress about! My blog post doesn’t have to go up at exactly 10 o’clock everyday. It’s about being REAL. Being personable and being fun & free! After all, creative people are left-brained… being timely is just not our thing!
4. Continue to Be Myself & Grow in That.
The Interior Design industry & Blogland are full of people with beautiful ideas, beautiful websites & beautiful homes/projects. It’s hard not to compare right? My first year of blogging, I was totally into reading the latest & greatest in blogland… I read so many blogs. Now, I take the time to read my favorites and learn about new one’s, but I only do it long enough to enjoy it. I am confident in my talent and my ability, so I try not to allow myself to compare myself to any other blogger or designer out there. I am me and I like who I am. I don’t ever want to get to the place that I need to keep up with the Jones’. I like blogging and sharing my ideas, design tips & my diy projects, simply because I enjoy it.
5. Get my Creative Juices Flowing!
Being creative is my nature, it always has been. I grew up with scissors and markers in my hands at all times. This year, I want to take risks with projects around our house. I want to paint, build and design new ideas and think outside the box. There are a billion and one blogs out there, and yes it’s nice to gather inspiration from Pinterest, but if my own ideas never move from the sketchbook to reality, what good are they? Right?
6. Read More!
I absolutely love, love, love to read, it’s just silly I don’t take the time to read more! I love sitting down on a Sunday afternoon with a cup of hot tea and reading a good book! In fact, when I do sit down to read, I usually finish the book in one afternoon. I love it! I actually just got a good book for my birthday and I can’t wait to get started on it!
7. Get Dressed Up!
I am a super girly girl by nature… I always have been. Being a blogger has one big ‘con’… which happens to affect the wardrobe. If I am out on local design projects, it’s never a worry, but when I have those weeks where blogging is the main gig, it . Waking up, having coffee & devotions and then getting dressed up in a dress or cute clothes isn’t my usual. In fact, most of the time I will change into jeans and a tshirt or yoga pants and a shirt.
Gone are those days… I want to be me. And being ‘me’ means getting up and getting cute! I enjoy curling my hair, painting my nails and adding the perfect accessories to a cute outfit. So– I plan on adding some fun fashion posts to the blog– excited??
8. Let’s Get Cookin…
In an effort to get the word out that gluten free food can be good & easy, I am going to start cooking away! Now that I have a kitchenaid mixer and some time, I am thinking maybe an easy cookbook might be in the works. So get excited, I have some AMAZING recipes coming at you!
9. Paint it!
I mentioned awhile back how much I love to paint. It’s quite hard to find the time to actually do it though. So, I am thinking it’s time to put the paintbrush to the canvas. With my new schedule and the changes we have made in my business since January, I am going to have the free time to blog more AND have extra time to do other creative things I enjoy!
If you’re like me, you are your own worst enemy. I am hard on myself, I always have been. Growing up, my parents never had to punish me, I punished myself. If I made below an B on a test, I didn’t need anyone to sit me down and chat. I was the same across the board in every area. Over the years, I have come to realize that it’s silly not to give yourself more credit. I am still learning that
11. No Matter What, Show Love.
Since the start of this blog journey, when this site was still just an idea, I have learned a great deal about trust, honor, dignity & character. I have mentioned it a few times on the blog, but someone I initially trusted with my business plan, simply borrowed it and made it their own, with a few alterations. However thankful I thought I was at the time I decided not to go with this company, it still stung a bit. After the inital shock wore off, I decided to let it go & show love. It’s my dad’s advice… show love. It’s actually trickled out into every part of my life. People are people and not everyone is going to do the right thing, but I can.
12. Relax, the dishes can wait!
When Kevin and I first got married, I was a super clean freak. Like it was so bad that he could barely move around the house without me behind him cleaning up what he had just touched. I have realized in our 2.5 years of being married, that the dishes can wait. Sometimes it’s ok to relax and hang out, there will be time for the dishes and the vacuum later!
13. Go & Enjoy the Great Outdoors…
Well, maybe not the ‘great outdoors’… I am not a hiking type of gal, but I do love to be outside! We live in a beach town and we simply don’t enjoy it as much as we need to. I want to get out and enjoy the sites, the sea and the sun! My new schedule & plan is make time for the beach! We live minutes from the number 1 beach in the nation. So, every week I am going to go out back to the pool or go to the beach & soak in some fresh air!
14. Turn the TV Off More…
Everyone knows that I L-O-V-E tv. I do. I love watching the tv. Sometimes the tv needs to be turned off for games, chatting or even a walk on the beach. We have decided one night a week we are going to shut the tv show off and either play the wii, play some board games or even hop to the beach for a nice stroll.
15. Exercise…
I am not the gal that goes to the gym everyday… well any day actually! While my hubby gets up super early a few times a week to go to the gym, I am still asleep (usually). After going to a yoga class with a friend, I kinda fell in love. I went out bought a mat and a video… now I just need to actually get up and do it. HA! I plan on tuesdays & thursdays being the yoga days to start off… it could of course change based on the happenings around here!! Plus, we have the cutest beach cruisers— we need to use them more!
16. Saving is Good!
Kevin is the saver, I am the spender (within reason). There’s gotta be one of each in every family, right?!?! Anyone?!? OK- well there is in our family. Kevin could get by with never spending money on himself, but being married to me, I can’t help but to ‘help’ him buy clothes, shoes etc. for himself. I am really good at coupons and knowing if things are priced accurately! It’s a gift, really. But, it can also be a curse sometimes! I can be totally honest, I love to shop. I literally L-O-V to the E, love it. It doesn’t always have to be for me either, I love to shop for anyone. But, there always has to be a but right?!!! There comes a time when saving is good too! Kevin wants to retire some day, when we move again, we want to pay cash for our house. When we buy a car for Kevin in the next few months (his was totaled the other day— he was safe Thank God), we want to pay cash for that too. So, sitting down and tightening the budget isn’t my favorite type of ‘chat’, but it’s a good one to have. No one wants a stressed out hubby, right?
17. Entertain More!
Our schedules are so ‘crazy’ that it makes it hard to pull together events at our home! We both own our own businesses and Kevin some times works weekends– he’s a realtor and people want to see homes when they are off work– who knew?!!! I would love to start having people over more. I am going to start a family game night once a month for my family & Kevin’s to get together for food, coffee and games (or a movie).
18. Be Joyful!
There’s so much in my life I have to be joyful about! I have a relationship with Jesus, I have a truly amazing husband, I have a wonderful family & good friends. Recently, I was in a store (duh, right) and the cashier told me that every time she see’s me (I am there a lot) I am smiling. Her statement actually made me smile bigger. When I got to the car I started thinking about her statement. When you smile, you make others smile. It’s contagious really. Who knows, your smile may be the only form of joy someone else see’s in a day.
19. Make More Time for the Lord.
I really want to take more time out for the Lord this year. Apart from daily devotions, I want to set aside time to read the Bible more, share the love of Jesus more, serve more and cultivate an even deeper walk with Him.
P.S.–I realize not everyone who reads my beloved little blog is a christian, that’s ok. EVERYONE is welcome here. I am just being as real with you all as I can…
20. Go Old School.
Remember when sending cards were the thing to do? Or even calling friends & family to catch up with them? I do. I am a lover of email & social media like the rest of everyone, but there’s something about receiving a handwritten card or getting a call from someone that speaks to the heart… or mine anyways. I am going to bring it back. I may even diy my own cards… of course I will blog about it!!
21. Be Bold with My Style
Everyone knows I am a lover of all things tan (or gray), white & aqua, it’s an obsession really, but this year I kinda want to get bold and add some new accents to our home for a pop of color! I am thinking chartreuse/citron… it’s bold.
22. Sleep.
Sleep is key to improving the immune system. I used to be the night owl in our home, now my husband is. We have never gone to bed separately. Ever. It’s weird, but we always go upstairs to bed together. I actually like that we do that. This year I am going to try to stick to a bed time and get up around the same time every day. Sleep is so important!
23. Grow a Green Thumb!
I really love flowers & plants. This spring, I plan on totally changing out all of our old plants on our front porch area. I also wouldn’t mind building some sort of wooden box that I could keep herbs in so they are away from critters! I will keep you updated on this… it’s going to be fun!
24. Snap More Pictures…
I love photography, I always have. I am artsy to my core. I took photography classes in college alongside my interior design classes. I loved it. I really want to begin to take more photos.
PS- I will be selling my paintings, prints & photographs in the shop this spring! STAY TUNED FOR THE OPENING! (This camera isn’t mine)!
25. Get Out of My Comfort Zone!
Anyone else out there like me? I like to eat the same things, do the same things and I am a big of a home body. I would really like to get out of my comfort zone and start
26. Pursue my Passions…
Obviously I am passionate about all things stylish & design related. I really want to dig in deeper and start developing new ways to try things and be dedicated to take the time do what I love the most!
27. Get Sporty!
My husband LOVES sports. I like them. Well I like college football, tennis & baseball (only if I see it live). I don’t love playing sports. I just don’t. I used to take tennis lessons when Kevin and I were dating, I did really enjoy that. My husband craves time for beach volleyball, tennis, flag football & soccer. Me, not so much. I would be happy sitting and watching. Now that I am doing so much better with my health, I really want to start getting out there and playing tennis with him and fulfilling his cravings for all things sports. Now, I am in no way saying I am going to play volleyball, football or soccer… those are NOT ME and my hubby respects how girly I am, but tennis I can!
28. Explore More!
I would love to start exploring new hobbies, new places and new inspiration. There’s so much to do in our town alone and we don’t take the time to explore them. We live in a beautiful paradise, which also happens to be a very artistic town… it’s time to get out and explore it much more than we currently do! We are just going to start picking places and hopping in the car to go & check them out! Doesn’t that sound kinda fun??
(If you want to see a little more of what I am striving for this year, here were a few of my New Year Resolutions)! Also, I know I have mentioned changes are coming and new schedules are too… hang tight because I am going to let you in on it all! (All images came from: A Design Story, here, here, here, here, here, here & here)
That’s my list and I am sticking to it!! What about you guys? Do you have a list you of things you want to do, change or things that motivate you to keep going? Do tell…
Love your list Lindsay– thanks for letting us in to see what you are like!!
Thanks Amanda & Sarah! I am thrilled you enjoyed this post!!
LOVE THIS. What a great idea to do each year on your birthday! Nice of you to be so real!
This is great Lindsay!! You are a wonderful lady, God loves you and you are so loved by your family and friends. You have such God given talents! Just remember these things. Sit back relax , trust , and See all God will do, He will bless you with the desires of your heart! Your blog is Great!! Lots of things to do and fulfill…Enjoy them..
What a great list. Happy Belated Birthday Lindsay!
Hi Melissa! Thanks so much!!