We are all about decorating a mantel for the holidays, except we don’t actually have one. We live in Florida and most homes just don’t come with a fireplace (although it is on our wish list for the next home). However, we are creative people and not having a fireplace just makes us think harder! We love a challenge!
We are on Day 2 of our 12 Days of Christmas (Find Day 1 Here) … so that means…
What we do have is a fabulous white bench/hutch that gets a lot of attention throughout the year (fall, spring and more). This year we had a strict “use what you got” (or make it) mentality, since last year we bought “new”!
The budget: I did spend $1.00 on candles. Yep… A whole dollar went towards this “mantel”!
We LOVE it!
First things first, we hung our stockings… my favorite is of course the one in the middle which was made for me by My Precious Memaw when I was born. I cherish it.
Then, I took a “snow blanket” I had stored and placed it on top. Next, I placed a fun green glass vase, clear glass candles with ornaments on top, a tree topper and green ceramic trees to add visual appeal.
My favorite… the mitten picture… which I made! I put my talents to the test on Photoshop and came up with a fun wintery design. I put it in an extra white frame we had stored in the “home décor closet”. I stared at it on the mantel and thought it needed a bit more… so I grabbed the aqua frame I had hanging in the guest room and “borrowed it”. I hung the white frame with an aqua ribbon from the aqua frame and ta dahh… B-E-A-UTIFUL! I adore it!
I also added a string of minature ornaments too…
We like Christmas decor with character… sure it is nice to have a beautiful “magazine” approach, but the personality gets lost in all of that “perfectness”… we are a real couple with a home we “live in”. That’s why we mix old with new and we like it that way. You?
So, what do you think?? We love it.. it is festive and “wintery”. Plus, the mitten picture can stay through the winter since it isn’t as “Christmasy” as the other decor joining it on the “mantel” right now. Have you decorated with aquas, silver and whites? Maybe all Red hues? Do Tell!
Want your own Glove Picture? We are giving away one right here in the coming days… stay tuned!
This post was added to The Lettered Cottage Party, Southern Hospitality,
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I love it!! Especially the ribbon with Christmas bulbs. What a great idea.
I love it…I too live in Florida and have no mantel…what a great idea! I do have one question for you though, aren’t you afraid that the candles will burn the shelf? I have a friend that burned a candle in a shelf kind of like this and she singed the top and had to sand and repaint it. Just wondering. 🙂 It’s beautiful though and I love your mitten picture, you are very creative.
To be honest… I learned the hard way. I barely singed the top…. so now I am using “fake candles”…
It is all so cute!! Great idea, I love the mitten picture! I am so glad you have the stocking from Memaw, What a great gift you can cherish forever!!!! ENJOY!
Oh my gosh- it looks SO pretty! 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the ornament garland.
Filing that idea for sure!!!
Layla 🙂
Thanks Layla for “stopping by”… isn’t the ornament garland just so fun and festive…